Item | Requirements | Block | Durability | Effects |
robe | 4 | 50 | ||
master robe | Level: 50 | 1200 | Indestructible | Lost Artifact All Spells: +10 Levels Bonus Damage: +45% Bonus Armor: +10% Vampiric: +8% All Mana Regen: +5 Energy Regen: +5 All Stats: +150 Resist All: +75% |
light chainmail | Level: 5 Str: 20 Def: 10 Stam: 25 | 8 | 25 | |
chainmail | Level: 8 Str: 25 Def: 15 Stam: 25 | 10 | 30 | |
heavy chainmail | Level: 10 Str: 30 Def: 20 Stam: 25 | 12 | 40 | |
dragon carapace | Level: 50 Def: 10 | 80 | Indestructible | Lost Artifact All Stats: +20 Resist All: +20% |
leather jacket | Level: 2 Str: 10 Def: 5 Stam: 10 | 5 | 20 | |
ringmail | Level: 10 Str: 45 Def: 20 Stam: 40 | 15 | 50 | |
light plate | Level: 13 Str: 65 Def: 25 Stam: 45 | 40 | 60 | |
field plate | Level: 20 Str: 75 Def: 35 Stam: 60 | 60 | 65 | |
splint mail | Level: 19 Str: 90 Def: 45 Stam: 75 | 90 | 70 | |
full plate | Level: 50 Str: 120 Def: 55 Stam: 90 | 120 | 80 | |
platinum plate | Level: 150 | 1200 | 125 | Bonus Armor: +20% Vampiric: +3% Health Resist All: +10% Magic Find: +35% |
shining platemail | Level: 130 Str: 110 Def: 30 Int: 50 Stam: 50 | 350 | 80 | Lost Artifact Bonus Damage: +10% All Stats: +20 Resist All: +15% |
holy cape | Level: 60 Str: 80 Def: 35 Int: 50 Stam: 110 | 300 | 125 | Bonus Damage: +25% Bonus Armor: +25% Vampiric: +5% Health Vampiric: +5% Mana All Stats: +30 Resist All: +30% |
reflecting plate | Level: 120 Str: 420 Def: 100 Int: 70 | 200 | 150 | Lost Artifact Prayer: +15 Levels Bonus Armor: +10% Bonus Armor: +75 points Vampiric: +5% Health Vampiric: +5% Energy Energy Regen: +1 Str: +52 Def: +50 Con: +20 Int: +20 Stam: +20 Mag: +20 Resist All: +90% |
monk robe | Int: 30 | 55 | 40 | Bless: +5 Levels Fire Damage: +10% Lightning Damage: +10% Bonus Damage: +10% Vampiric: +1% Mana Con: +20 Int: +20 |
mage robe | Level: 3 Mag: 30 | 30 | 40 | Magic Missile: +3 Levels Mag: +12 |
spidersilk robe | Level: 35 Stam: 100 | 70 | 45 | All Stats: +10 |
wolfskin robe | Level: 15 Def: 20 Mag: 15 | 100 | 40 | |
royal mage robe | Level: 200 Int: 1000 Mag: 1000 | 475 | 150 | Lost Artifact All Spells: +8 Levels All Stats: +50 |
plate of burning | Level: 150 Str: 255 Def: 20 Stam: 40 | 420 | 65 | Fireball: +4 Levels Str: +20 Def: +20 Con: +20 Stam: +20 |
cloak of darkness | Level: 125 Int: 800 Stam: 600 Mag: 600 | 655 | 125 | Lost Artifact Apocalypse: +8 Levels Bonus Damage: +40% All Stats: +40 Resist All: +30% |
red mage robe | Level: 120 Mag: 30 | 250 | 125 | Flame Strike: +5 Levels Mana Regen: +2 Def: +50 Mag: +50 |
gray mage robe | Level: 235 | 300 | 125 | Nova: +10 Levels Mana Regen: +2 Con: +50 Int: +50 Stam: +50 |
robe of poison | Level: 75 Int: 250 Mag: 400 | 230 | 125 | Bane: +10 Levels Vampiric: +2% Health Vampiric: +2% Mana Mana Regen: +3 Def: +50 Int: +50 Stam: +50 Mag: +40 Resist Poison: +50% Resist Holy Magic: -25% |
ruin | Level: 75 Str: 35 Stam: 40 | 90 | 125 | Lost Artifact Chain Lightning: +4 Levels Mana Regen: +1 All Stats: +25 |
barmaid's dress | 5 | 80 | Con: +20 Int: -10 | |
violet dress | Level: 150 | 555 | 125 | Lost Artifact All Spells: +8 Levels Vampiric: +5% Health Vampiric: +5% Mana All Stats: +50 |
robes of the elements | Level: 200 Int: 1000 Stam: 420 Mag: 1000 | 850 | Indestructible | Lost Artifact All Spells: +10 Levels Vampiric: +10% Mana Mana Regen: +2 Int: +50 Stam: +50 Mag: +50 Resist All: +35% |
Golden GM War Robe | Level: 15 | 650 | 30 | Magic Find: +40% |
Frozen GM War Robe | Level: 175 | 650 | 30 | Lost Artifact |
Golden GM War Plate | Level: 15 | 650 | 30 | Magic Find: +40% |
Frozen GM War Plate | Level: 15 | 650 | 30 | |
Catbert's armour | Level: 200 Str: 100 Def: 100 Int: 100 Stam: 100 Mag: 100 | 250 | 125 | Lost Artifact All Stats: +50 |
Fiend cape | Level: 100 | 25 | 100 | Lost Artifact Mana Regen: +2 All Stats: -150 |
barmaid's battle dress | 10 | 50 | Con: +20 Int: -10 | |
caped battle dress | 10 | 65 | Con: +20 Int: -10 | |
caped chainmail | Level: 15 Str: 45 Def: 5 Stam: 20 | 20 | 70 | |
arctic ringmail | Level: 85 Str: 125 Def: 15 Int: 30 Stam: 160 | 90 | 65 | Icebolt: +2 Levels Con: +20 Stam: +25 |
horror | Level: 120 Int: 300 Mag: 300 | 60 | 45 | Lost Artifact Mana Regen: +3 Str: -20 Def: -20 Con: -20 Int: +40 Stam: -20 Mag: +40 |
mithril robe | Level: 75 Str: 20 Def: 20 Int: 20 Stam: 20 Mag: 20 | 145 | 50 | Lost Artifact Mana Regen: +2 Int: +50 Mag: +50 |
thieves' shadow cloak | Level: 100 | 220 | 125 | Bonus Armor: +15% Vampiric: +1% Health Vampiric: +1% Mana Str: +50 Con: +50 |
gold plate | Level: 60 Str: 100 Def: 55 Stam: 90 | 125 | 150 | Whirlwind: +2 Levels All Stats: +20 Magic Find: +40% |
druidic robe | Level: 265 | 475 | 125 | Lost Artifact All Spells: +4 Levels Mana Regen: +2 Con: +50 Int: +50 Stam: +50 |
Achilles' skin | Level: 50 Str: 145 Stam: 130 | 250 | 8 | All Stats: +50 Resist All: +25% |
golden robe | Level: 140 Def: 20 Mag: 80 | 175 | 150 | Lost Artifact All Spells: +4 Levels Mana Regen: +3 Int: +50 Stam: +50 Mag: +50 Magic Find: +40% |
cape of legends | Level: 156 Str: 1400 Def: 1400 Int: 1400 Stam: 1400 Mag: 1400 | 2200 | 125 | Lost Artifact Whirlwind: +10 Levels Paralysis: +35% Chance Poison Damage: +35 Fire Damage: +35% Lightning Damage: +35% Bonus Damage: +50% Bonus Armor: +10% Vampiric: +15% All Mana Regen: +5 Energy Regen: +5 All Stats: +250 |
nightscape | Level: 150 Con: 750 Stam: 750 | 350 | 125 | Lost Artifact Antimagic: +4 Levels Mana Regen: +2 Str: +50 Con: +50 Stam: +50 |
knight plate | Str: 600 Def: 100 Stam: 300 | 180 | 120 | Str: +20 Def: +30 Stam: +20 |
plate of darkness | Level: 150 Str: 150 Def: 20 Int: 75 Stam: 200 Mag: 40 | 500 | 125 | Lost Artifact Weaken: +10 Levels Vampiric: +5% Health Vampiric: +5% Mana All Stats: +50 |
souls robe | Level: 150 Int: 1000 Mag: 1000 | 325 | Indestructible | Lost Artifact Dissipate: +10 Levels Vampiric: +5% Mana Mana Regen: +1 All Stats: +50 Magic Find: +30% |
rose robe | Level: 220 | 1450 | 125 | Lost Artifact All Spells: +5 Levels Fire Damage: +40% Bonus Damage: +40% Bonus Armor: +15% Vampiric: +15% Mana Vampiric: +15% Energy Mana Regen: +5 All Stats: +150 |
witching dress | Level: 200 | 400 | 125 | Lost Artifact Int: +50 Mag: +50 |
pink plate | Level: 250 Str: 40 Stam: 40 | 1000 | 80 | Lost Artifact Bonus Damage: +25% Mana Regen: +2 Energy Regen: +1 All Stats: +50 |
Blood Robe | Level: 250 | 400 | 125 | Lost Artifact Apocalypse: +10 Levels Vampiric: +5% Health Vampiric: +5% Mana Mana Regen: +2 All Stats: +50 |
divine plate | Level: 200 Str: 1000 Mag: 1000 | 850 | 125 | Lost Artifact Prayer: +10 Levels Mana Regen: +2 All Stats: +50 Magic Find: +20% |
Spartan armor | Level: 60 Str: 100 Def: 55 Stam: 90 | 265 | 90 | Def: +20 Stam: +20 |
dragon plate | Level: 150 Str: 1000 Def: 1000 Stam: 1000 | 400 | 125 | Lost Artifact Holy Armour: +10 Levels Str: +50 Def: +50 Con: +50 Stam: +50 |
chaos robe | Level: 200 Def: 20 Mag: 20 | 200 | 125 | Lost Artifact Con: +20 Int: +50 Mag: +50 |
angelic robe | Level: 150 Str: 400 Int: 200 Stam: 20 Mag: 100 | 430 | 125 | Lost Artifact Greater Heal: +12 Levels Mana Regen: +2 All Stats: +50 |
gamemaster robe | Level: 156 | 1400 | Indestructible | Lost Artifact All Spells: +12 Levels Paralysis: +50% Chance Poison Damage: +50 Fire Damage: +50% Lightning Damage: +50% Bonus Damage: +50% Bonus Armor: +15% Vampiric: +12% All Mana Regen: +3 Energy Regen: +3 All Stats: +50 Resist All: +85% |
archmagi robe | Level: 150 | 500 | 120 | Lost Artifact All Spells: +4 Levels Vampiric: +15% Health Vampiric: +15% Mana Mana Regen: +2 Str: +40 Def: +40 Con: +40 Int: +50 Stam: +50 Mag: +50 Resist All: +30% |
King Plate | Level: 200 Str: 800 Def: 300 Int: 300 Stam: 200 | 1400 | 120 | Lost Artifact Vampiric: +5% Health All Stats: +100 |
greater mage robe | Level: 120 Mag: 30 | 150 | 60 | Chain Lightning: +4 Levels Mana Regen: +2 Mag: +50 |
mage plate | Level: 120 Str: 100 Def: 55 Stam: 100 | 625 | 125 | Shield: +10 Levels Bonus Armor: +15% Bonus Armor: +150 points Vampiric: +2% Mana Vampiric: +2% Energy Mana Regen: +2 Energy Regen: +1 Con: +50 Int: +50 |
Voidscape | Level: 300 Str: 1000 Con: 1000 Stam: 1000 | 1200 | Indestructible | Lost Artifact Decrepify: +12 Levels Vampiric: +5% All Mana Regen: +2 Str: +50 Def: +50 Con: +50 Stam: +50 Resist All: +66% |
sagittarius plate | Level: 200 Def: 200 Stam: 250 | 920 | 80 | Lost Artifact Antimagic: +4 Levels Bonus Armor: +10% Bonus Armor: +100 points Vampiric: +3% Health Vampiric: +3% Energy Mana Regen: +2 Energy Regen: +3 Str: +50 Def: +50 Con: +50 Stam: +50 |
druid vestments | Level: 100 Int: 600 Mag: 400 | 180 | 60 | Lost Artifact Earthquake: +5 Levels Mana Regen: +2 Int: +50 Mag: +50 |
War Mage's Cloak | Level: 200 Str: 700 Mag: 700 | 350 | 125 | Lost Artifact Greater Heal: +5 Levels All Stats: +50 |
Armor Of Helios | Level: 250 Def: 1000 Stam: 1000 | 1500 | Indestructible | Lost Artifact Mana Regen: +2 All Stats: +50 |
Angelic Cape | Level: 250 | 1400 | Indestructible | Lost Artifact Whirlwind: +5 Levels Mana Regen: +3 All Stats: +50 |
Tiger Cloak | Level: 152 Con: 420 | 140 | 100 | Lost Artifact Focused Shot: +5 Levels Mana Regen: +1 All Stats: +50 |
Arctic Robe | Level: 100 Mag: 400 | 140 | 100 | Ice Nova: +5 Levels Mana Regen: +2 Int: +50 Stam: +40 Mag: +40 |
Apollo Robes | Level: 300 Int: 1000 Mag: 1000 | 1150 | 50 | Lost Artifact Banish: +12 Levels Mana Regen: +3 All Stats: +50 Magic Find: +20% |
War Mage's Plate | Level: 300 Str: 1000 Con: 500 Mag: 1000 | 750 | 125 | Lost Artifact Restoration: +8 Levels All Stats: +50 |
plague robe | Level: 175 Str: 40 Int: 74 Stam: 210 | 400 | 50 | Lost Artifact Decrepify: +10 Levels Mana Regen: +1 All Stats: +50 |
divine cape | Level: 250 Int: 1000 Mag: 1000 | 400 | 125 | Lost Artifact Prayer: +10 Levels Vampiric: +10% Health Vampiric: +10% Mana Mana Regen: +1 All Stats: +50 Magic Find: +20% |
Goldscape | Level: 200 Int: 500 Stam: 500 Mag: 500 | 400 | 125 | Lost Artifact Charged Bolt: +10 Levels Def: +50 Int: +50 Stam: +50 Mag: +50 Magic Find: +40% |
platinum robe | Level: 250 Int: 600 Mag: 600 | 700 | 125 | Lost Artifact Banish: +10 Levels Poison Damage: +30 Fire Damage: +30% Lightning Damage: +30% Mana Regen: +2 All Stats: +50 Magic Find: +35% |
Divine robe | Level: 200 Str: 20 Int: 1000 Mag: 1000 | 400 | Indestructible | Lost Artifact Mana Regen: +2 All Stats: +50 Magic Find: +20% |
Pinkscape | Level: 225 | 1250 | Indestructible | Lost Artifact All Spells: +6 Levels Vampiric: +10% Health Vampiric: +10% Mana All Stats: +50 |
Soulscape | Level: 200 Con: 300 Stam: 500 | 550 | Indestructible | Lost Artifact All Spells: +5 Levels Bonus Damage: +25% Vampiric: +8% Health Vampiric: +8% Mana Mana Regen: +1 All Stats: +50 Magic Find: +30% |
Magmascape | Level: 200 Con: 400 Stam: 1000 | 650 | Indestructible | Lost Artifact Apocalypse: +10 Levels Vampiric: +8% Health Vampiric: +8% Mana Mana Regen: +2 All Stats: +50 |
Frostscape | Level: 300 Int: 750 Mag: 750 | 600 | 125 | Lost Artifact All Spells: +5 Levels Vampiric: +10% Health Vampiric: +10% Mana Mana Regen: +2 All Stats: +50 |
Plate Of Lost Souls | Level: 200 Str: 1000 | 750 | Indestructible | Lost Artifact Prayer: +10 Levels Vampiric: +8% All Mana Regen: +2 Energy Regen: +1 All Stats: +50 Magic Find: +30% |
Royalscape | Level: 300 Str: 1000 Int: 1000 Mag: 1000 | 700 | 125 | Lost Artifact Banish: +10 Levels Str: +50 Int: +50 Mag: +50 |
Burningscape | Level: 200 | 900 | Indestructible | Lost Artifact Apocalypse: +10 Levels Mana Regen: +2 All Stats: +50 Resist Fire: +99% |
Gamemaster Plate | Level: 225 | 2300 | Indestructible | Lost Artifact Prayer: +10 Levels Poison Damage: +50 Fire Damage: +50% Lightning Damage: +50% Bonus Damage: +50% Bonus Armor: +25% Vampiric: +15% Health Vampiric: +15% Mana Mana Regen: +2 All Stats: +250 Resist All: +85% |
Pink mage robe | Level: 69 | 669 | 125 | Lost Artifact Banish: +5 Levels Fire Damage: +35% Vampiric: +3% Mana Mana Regen: +5 Int: +125 Mag: +125 |
Devil's Robe | Level: 166 Int: 666 Mag: 666 | 1666 | 66 | Lost Artifact All Spells: +6 Levels Paralysis: +66% Chance Poison Damage: +66 Fire Damage: +66% Lightning Damage: +66% Bonus Damage: +66% Vampiric: +6% All Mana Regen: +66 Energy Regen: +66 Str: +260 Def: +250 Con: +250 Int: +250 Stam: +250 Mag: +250 Resist All: +66% |
rose plate | Level: 220 | 1950 | 125 | Lost Artifact Whirlwind: +5 Levels Fire Damage: +50% Bonus Damage: +50% Bonus Armor: +20% Vampiric: +15% Health Vampiric: +15% Energy All Stats: +200 Resist All: +25% |